Goddard Retirees Alumni Association
P.O. Box 163 Seabrook, MD 20703
http://graa.gsfc.nasa.gov* 18th
Year of Publication
Sept. l0, 2002 GRAA Luncheon - IUE REUNION* (See Dr. Pieper's /comments below) - ll:30 AM - RecCenter Pls Call 30l-937-7762 for reservations.
Sept. 26, 2002 EOY Island Shrimp Feast - Call GEWA 30l-286-8498 for further information.
Oct. 8, 2002 GRAA Regular Luncheon - ll:30 AM - RecCenter *(See Dr. Pieper's Comments Below - (If Crab Feast scheduled - the affair will be scheduled in the evening). Pls call 30l-937-7762 for Reservations -
Oct. 8-l3, 2002 NASHVILLE/GATLINBURG/SMOKEY MOUNTAINS - $669 per person. Tour includes motor coach transportation, 5 nights lodging, 3 dinners including the Nashville Nightlife Theater, 5 breakfasts, guided tour of Nashville, admission the Grand Ole Opry, tour of the Smoke Mountains, Luncheon Cruise aboard the General Jackson Riverboat, Tour of Ryman Theater, Opry Mills Shoppertainment Complex, Country Music Hall of Fame, baggage handling, taxes and standard gratuities. Full payment due -. No refunds after September 3rd. Call GEWA 30l-286-8498.
Oct. l7, 2002 l2th Annual Fall Crafts Fair - Call GEWA 30l-286-8498 for further information.
Nov. 7, 2002 GRAA & Orbital Club Evening at MAD'S Dinner Theater at RecCenter - Play is Fiorello - the life story of Fiorello N. LaGuardia, mayor of New York City in the World War II era. Call 30l-937-7762 for reservations.
Nov. l2, 2002 GRAA Regular Luncheon - ll:30 AM - RecCenter - Pls call 30l-937-7762 for reservations -
Nov. l2-24, 02 GEWA Travel to Thailand - R/T Airfare from Dulles- Transportation by coach/boat/domestic air - tickets for shows - all meals (B/L/D) for ll days. Cost: Single $2000 Double $l800 - $300 due now - If interested, pls call Pat - GEWA Store 30l-286-8565.
Dec. l4, 2002 Children's Holiday Party - Call GEWA 30l-286-8498 for further information.
Dec. l6, 2002 Toy Liquidation Sale - Call GEWA 30l-286-8498 for further information.
May - 2003 LONDON/PARIS/ROME - Tour includes Air Transportation/9 nights hotel/breakfast daily/3 dinners/airport escorts/hotel & train portage/all group transfers/guided sightseeing/entrance fees to selected sights/full time multilingual tour director - Cost: $2,l02.00 - $300 deposit now - final payment due February 2003 - PLS Call GEWA 30l-286-8498
COMMENTS FROM GRAA'S PRESIDENT, DR. PIEPER: Some of the attendees at our August GRAA lunch had a problem getting in the Soil Conservation Road gate and were sent to the front gate for badging. This should not happen again because John Speargas in Security at the Center has agreed that anyone with a Goddard retiree badge can get in the Soil Conservation Road gate and also anyone accompanying the badged person who has the cutout ticket from our newsletter. A list of expected attendees will be provided to security from the reservations taken by Alberta. So be sure to make your reservations for future lunches.
Barney and Bea weren't with us in August . As many of you may already know, Bea had a heart attack while on a cruise in early August, followed by a minor stroke. Barney says she's recovering well. In Barney's absence, we ordered in Chinese food for lunch. It was good, but we missed Barney. (NOTE: Bea Hoyt's home address - l2702 Cherry Wood LN, Bowie, MD 20715)
Next month, September l0, is the big IUE reunion, arranged by Gerry Longanecker. That should be great fun.Our speedwalker Charlie Boyle is also a speedwriter. He has just completed another book. This one is a space adventure novel called Falcon Quest. It is selling as a downloadable e-book. Those interested may get a free preview that allows reading all of Part One, The Commander, by going to http://www.whalebook.com/falconquest/preview.html. Every print copy purchased by a member generates a $2 contribution to GRAA.
NIMBUS 38 YEAR REUNION PLANNED FOR OCTOBER l0, 2002 - REC CENTER 5:30-l0:30 PM - Checks for $25.00/person made out to Nimbus 38th reunion should be sent to Mike Forman, Code 584, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 2077l (30l-286-9287) so that they arrive no later than Tues. Oct l, 2002. Log on to www.bnc2.com/nimbus for information about the event and to see who's likely to be there - Hope to see you there.
2002 GRAA MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY - The 2002 GRAA Membership Directory will be published soon - check your mailing label and send us any corrections. We will be including both telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. Our Directory is used by several areas within GSFC as well as our membership. We get requests for a member'sphone number or e-mail address when they are not in the Directory. DEADLINE FOR DIRECTORY CHANGES -NLT 9/20
MAIL STUFFERS FOR JULY & AUGUST: Thanks to all the stuffers - Found the report - : JULY: Mary & Bob Wilson, George Abid, John Steckel, Roland Van Allen, Elaine C. Montgomery, Marge Gustafson, & Bob Wigand - AUGUST: Eloise Tarter, Marge Gustafson, Bob Wigand, Frank Wrigley, Rose McChesney, Mary & Bob Wilson, Robert Wilson, Hugh O'Donnell and John Steckel.
TREASURER'S REPORT: Donations were received from H. H. Dickson, Brian Pierman, Tony Grandi, Paul Schmid, Bob Morrissey, Don Conrad, John Callan and Morton Foxe.
H. H. DICKSON: of New Braunfels, TX - sends note
"Let me assure you that New Braunfels was not destroyed by flood water
raging down the Guadalupe River. Some river front homes and businesses
were damaged and a few destroyed. But most of the recreation businesses,
tourist and regular business and homes were untouched. In fact the rainfall
has actually helped by raising the level of aquifers. TEXAS is a great
place to live or visit. The State is large enough to have anything you
want. Piney woods, caves, industrial centers, beaches, fishing (both fresh
and saltwater), friendly small towns or large cities, the list goes on
and on. There is not time nor space to list them all."
BRIAN PIERMAN: Sends note - "We, Carol and I have downsized
and now live on the Choptank River near Denton, MD - Keep up the good work"
E-Mail address noted.
PAUL E. SCHMID: "Many thanks for the great service you are
providing to EX Goddard employees. I had the pleasure of working at Goddard
from l965 to l980. I retired from the CIA in l995 - keep up the good work"
- Current mailing address in Middleburg, VA and e-mail noted.
ANTHONY F. GRANDI: Sends note from Lutherville, Timonium, MD - "Hi
all: Just want to tell you how much I appreciate receiving the monthly
Goddard Newsletter. Hello to all my old working friends who still do the
mail stuffings and more."
JOHN & EILEEN CALLAN: of Cocoa Beach, FL from Nov. to May and
Millville, DE for the summer - "Thanks for the Alumni news. We enjoy
reading it each month. Keep up the good work." Addresses/phone numbers/E-Mails
DONALD C. CONRAD: of Leesburg, FL - "Want to thank all those
that keep GRAA running and making possible the receipt of Newsletter. Enjoy
living in Florida but it's starting to get a little crowded." Phone
& E-Mail changes noted.
ROAD CLEANUP: Volunteers needed - pick up trash along Goddard's eastern boundary road after September meeting
HOMEPAGE: GRAA website changes have been made to comply with current privacy and security regulations.
BURGESS, WILLIAM M. of Glen Burnie, MD died July
4, 2002.
You must be accompanied by a GRAA
or GSFC employee with a badge.