Oct. 8, 2002
GRAA ANNUAL CRABFEAST - ll:30 AM - 5:00 PM - (See Dr. Pieper's comments
Below) RESERVATIONS NEEDED NLT Thursday 10/3 - 30l-937-7762 - DUE
- COST $2l per person
Oct. l7, 2002
l2th Annual Fall Crafts Fair - Call GEWA 30l-286-8498 for further information.
Nov. 7, 2002
GRAA & Orbital Club Evening at MAD'S Dinner Theater at RecCenter -See
Nov. l2, 2002 GRAA
Regular Luncheon - ll:30 AM - RecCenter - Pls call 30l-937-7762 for reservations
Nov. l2-24, 02 GEWA
Travel to Thailand - R/T Airfare from Dulles- Transportation by coach/boat/domestic
air - tickets for shows - all meals (B/L/D) for ll days. Cost: Single $2000
$l800 - $300 due now - If interested, pls call Pat - GEWA Store 30l-286-8565.
Dec. l4, 2002 Children's
Holiday Party - Call GEWA 30l-286-8498 for further information.
Dec. l6, 2002 Toy
Liquidation Sale - Call GEWA 30l-286-8498 for further information.
May - 2003
LONDON/PARIS/ROME - Tour includes Air Transportation/9 nights hotel/breakfast
daily/3 dinners/airport escorts/hotel & train portage/all group transfers/guided
fees to selected sights/full time multilingual tour director - Cost: $2,l02.00
- $300 deposit now - final payment due February 2003 - PLS Call GEWA 30l-286-8498
GRAA Travel Plans-late November, early December, date
to be determined-Christmas in Lancaster, PA. Shopping, dinner, Christmas
show, bus transportation, Travel in 2003-Costa Rica, Iceland,
Cruise to Bermuda, Australia-depending on cost, Branson, Any Interest-301-937
COMMENTS FROM GRAA'S PRESIDENT, DR. PIEPER; Regarding our Annual Crab Feast - Please get your reservations in to Alberta early as we need an accurate headcount for Barney to determine how many crabs to order. The $2l cost will include hamburgers, hotdogs, soft drinks, beer, wine, etc, in addition to CRABS.
Once again, reunions are the most fun we have at GRAA lunches! Last month it was IUE, for which over 70 people turned out. There was one big disappointment though -Gerry Longanecker, who was the reunion's instigator and prime mover, was not with us; he was instead in the hospital. Afterward he emailed as follows: "I was so disappointed to miss the IUE reunion luncheon last Tuesday. I had looked forward to seeing all my compatriots for months. On the bright side, the doctors were able to free my intestinal blockage without surgery, so I'm back to regular activities. We will have another reunion luncheon next September and I look forward to seeing all of you then."(The IUE guys and GRAA members can look forward to seeing Gerry Longanecker next September!)
Frank Carr took over as MC in Gerry's place and numerous people commented on what a great project IUE had been to work on. The speakers included Dick Austin, Don Lokerson, Ron Browning, Flo Hickle, Tom Huber, Steve Paddack and Jack Townsend. Henry Hoffman explained how, after demanding six gyros on the spacecraft, he eventually made it work with one. Others talked about equipment borrowed from other projects in the dead of night, and Les Meredith's role in bringing the project into existence was applauded, particularly by Nancy Roman. Frank Carr compared IUE to a project review at JPL in which he recently took part where there were 37 reviewers and five project people. "In IUE, Goddard hired good engineers and let them do their job," he said.
November 7 - Fiorello MAD Dinner Theater - The story of Fiorello LaGuardia's early career, fighting for the little guy (and gal), winning elections and hearts in his beloved city of New York. Tickets which will include dinner, champagne beer, wine, sodas, and show $2l per person. Access to Recreation Center off Good Luck Road. Reservations call Alberta 30l-937-7762 - must have names of all who are attending for Security. Tickets will not be mailed until payment is received. Checks should be made to GRAA and mailed to MAD, ll529 Montgomery Road, Beltsville, MD 20705. Schedule: Doors open 6:00pm Light Refreshments 6:00 pm Buffet Dinner 6:30-7:30 pm Show 8:00 pm. There are only 8 tables for 8 available so get your reservations early
MAIL STUFFERS FOR SEPTEMBER: Frank Wrigley, Agnes R. Smith, Eloise Tarter, Marge Gustafson, Rose McChesney, Mary and Bob Wilson, Elaine Montgomery, Bob Wigand and Ewald Schmidt .(NOTE: We have just learned that one of our "Stuffers" John Steckel is now home recuperating from recent surgery - We wish you a speedy recovery - we need you in our Monthly Stuffer Lineup)
TREASURER'S REPORT; Donations were received from Walter B. Sullivan, Jr., Richard P. Hockensmith, Mr. & Mrs. James Pusey, Donald L. Righter, Ed Smylie, Robert & Marcia Wettingfeld., Bob Schools, Norm Peterson, Dick Sade and Gary Dennis.
WALTER B. SULLIVAN, JR. of Millsboro, DE - appreciates
the work all are doing in keeping GRAA going - moved to "slower lower
Delaware" - just loves it - also sends regards to the "95l gang".
RICHARD P. HOCKENSMITH; of Harrisonville, PA -
came out of retirement - full of energy - developed some nutrition products
"nutrition simplified" - hopes to see some of retirees soon -
sends thank for the Newsletters.
JAMES W. PUSEY: of Laurel, DE - enjoys getting
the Newsletter monthly and having the directory for addresses and phone
number reference. (Change of address noted)
DAVID BLANCHARD of Silver Spring, MD - likes to
hear all the news in the newsletter - keep it coming - Seems he is
so near yet never finds the time in retirement to get out to some of the
meetings at the RecCenter - Does consulting back to NASA on the Space Infrared
Telescope Facility (SIRIF) which is to be launched in lst quarter 2003.
JEANIE RIFFE of Chesapeake Beach, MD - sends thanks
to all who work on the Newsletter.
DONALD L. RIGHTER of Laurel, MD - sends thanks
so much for the monthly news pubs; it's great to stay informed - retired
totally as of Nov. 2, 200l from Swales Aerospace - it was a most enjoyable
career from March l959 through November 200l at GSFC. Sends best wishes
to all those he worked with and knew at Goddard - is gradually getting
into this "retirement thing"!
ED SMYLIE of Fairfield Glade, TN - sends appreciation
for the newsletter and the update on the activities of GRAA and Goddard.
Except for serving on a couple of committees, one for NASA and one for
(his) university (Mississippi State) - fully retired and works on his golf
game. Lives in a retirement community about halfway between Knoxville and
Nashville - has eleven lakes and five golf courses plus swimming pools
and tennis courts - plenty to occupy them. Doesn't get to the DC area
often and so far not when there's a GRAA meeting - but hopes to make a
meeting one of these days - has fond memories of time at Goddard and the
outstanding accomplishments of the organization. Gives thanks to the board
members and Alberta for keeping GRAA going.
- Can't attend the meetings as they live in Panama - has been four years
- wishes the best for all the members in their retirement - and GRAA continues
to be a success.
SHIRLEY AND NORM MARTIN - of Greensboro, GA - sends
greeting to all - from Class of '84 and '86 - -
ROAD CLEANUP: Four volunteers - Adam "Tommy" Thompson, John Webster, Elaine Montgomery and Bob Wigand - cleaned up a portion of GSFC's frontage by picking up trash from Good Luck Road after the September Luncheon.
RAYMOND C. WADDELL, Nuclear Physicist, died at
the age of 93 on August 25, 2002 - retired from NASA in l97l.
NELSON W. SPENCER died August 3l, 2002 - worked
at Goddard as chief scientist for atmospheric exploration.
GLENN FERRIS died September 3, 2002 - held several
top level management positions at Goddard. Memorial services will be held
Oct. 5, 2002 l:00 pm, St. John Episcopal Church, 9l20 Frederic Rd, Ellicott
City, MD. Mary may be reached at 4l0-203-2963, address 850l Timber Pine
Court, Ellicott City, MD 2l083.
must be accompanied by a GRAA
or GSFC employee with a badge.