June l3, 2000 ll:30 a.m. - RegularGRAA Luncheon - Guest Speaker: Herb Richard - (See Dr. Pieper's commentsbelow) Call: 30l-937-7762 for reservations -
July 3-6, 2000 Cruise to Nowhere - SS Rembrandtout of Baltimore - 3 days/2 nights - $490 per person (Inside) - $650 perperson (Outside) -- Call GEWA 30l-286-8498 for further detail
July ll, 2000 ll:30 a.m. RecCenter- GRAND GRAA BIRTHDAY PARTY (See Comments below under reminder) - Pls call30l-937-7762 for reservations -
Aug. 7-ll, 2000 Niagara Falls &Toronto - 3 days/4 nights - $495 per person - $l00 Deposit due now - Balancedue 7/l0/00 - Call GEWA 30l-286-8498 for further details -
Aug. 8, 2000 ll:30 a.m. - RecCenter- Regular GRAA Luncheon - Tentative Speaker, Bert Ulrich,NASA HQ PublicAffairs Office - Plans to give an illustrated talk on Space Art and theNASA Art Program. - Call 30l-937-7762 for reservations -
Sept 28-Oct 2, 2000 Branson, MO trip -Round Trip Airfare/4 night accommodation/6 shows/Extended Continental Breakfasts,etc., $725 Per Person Double--Reservations -301 937-7762-Only eightreservations still available
Oct. l8-25, 2000 - Royal Canadian AutumnCruise - Quebec City to Baltimore - Inside Cabin $l009 -
Outside Cabin $ll49 - Plus Port Taxes/Airfare- If interested call 30l-937-7762
Nov. 30, 2000 Pennsylvania Christmas Showand Shopping - One day Bus trip, admission, dinner $45 call 301-937-7762for flyer and reservations
Dec. l-3, 2000 Bethlehem, PA - Motor Coach- 3 days/2 nights - $365 Per Person - $l00 Deposit due by 8/7, final Nov10 - Call GEWA 30l-286-8498 for further details
Dec. 8-l0, 2000 trip has been cancelleddue to lack of response - it is being replaced by a one-day trip in December- more information to follow.
MAIL STUFFERS FOR MAY; Paul Pashby,Eloise Tarter, Frank Wrigley, Rose McChesney, Mary & Bob Wilson, JohnKrehbiel, Ewald Schmidt, Bob Wigand, Roland VanAllen and Marty Eiband.
TREASURER'S REPORT: Donations werereceived from Bob Orff, Bob Pickard, Robert Ziemer, Ron Bierwagen and DickWirth.
COMMENTS FROM GRAA'S PRESIDENT, DR.PIEPER; Our May meeting welcomed back some snow bunnies who now spendtheir winters in Florida. It was nice to see Evelyn Baumann, Bill Wittand Dick Wirth again. Dick celebrated his return by winning the 50/50 raffleand generously giving his winnings to the Association.......John Wood entertainedus with the story of the Hubble Telescope optical repair and many wonderfulpictures of planets, star fields and the like taken with the Hubble. Healso showed us a number of tricks he uses to keep the attention of elementaryschool students in his frequent talks to them. We were as attentive asnormal third-graders. Good for us.......Many of you will remember HerbRichard from his days at Goddard, where, among other things, he was instrumentmanager for the Coastal Zone Color Scanner and MultiSpectral Spectrometer,and worked on laser communications experiments. Later Herb worked on theHubble repair at Swales. Herb has volunteered to be the speaker at ourJune l3th luncheon and will tell us about the measurement of the movementof crustal faults, particularly the San Andreas fault, using laser rangingtechniques. Sounds good - hope you'll be there.
REMINDER: GRAA's GRAND BIRTHDAYPARTY - July ll, 2000 - Each of you should send (GRAA, P.O. Box #l63, Seabrook,MD 20703) photos of yourself during your Goddard days with a note tellingthe funniest thing that happened to you while working at Goddard. Theseresponses will be read aloud at the July luncheon. Let's make this a memorableoccasion.
Robert L. Ziemer: Presently livingin Leawood, KS - Rec'd short note stating he doesn't recognize the namesof the present retirees - (Response - "you may not remember some ofus, but several of us have fond memories of your days at GSFC")
Ron Bierwagen: Sends his thanksfor the news - moved recently to a new house in Englewood, Florida wherethe weather is great --
Bob Orff: After 3 years workingin England has settled back in Crofton - sends note to GRAA to keep upthe good work.
Seymour Leibowitz: Presently livingin New Jersey - in answer to your request for NASA emblems, hats, etc.,these may be obtained by writing to GSFC/GEWA Store, Greenbelt, MD 2077l.
Gertrude Law - Worked at NASA HQ& GSFC l962-l974 - died March l9, 2000. Lived in Bowie, MD
Nicholas H. Phipps: Died 5/ll/98from lung cancer. Had been retired for two years - lived in Crofton, MD
You must be accompaniedby a GRAA member
Or GSFC employeewith a badge