Goddard Retirees and Alumni Association
P.O. Box 163, Seabrook, Maryland 20703

April 1997
(14th Year of Publication)


The next luncheon meeting will be the second Tuesday in April, APRIL 8, 1997, at 11:30 AM at the GEWA Recreation Center. Dr. ''ED.' Mercanti has agreed to be our speaker and will talk about a subject with which he has had some experience in the past: ''The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved''! Maybe he will also tell us about some books he is writing. PLS CALL ALBERTA NOW AND MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS FOR THIS MEEITNG 301-937-6104.


April 8, 1997 -- Lunch - Recreation Center
April 12, 1997 -- Flea Market - Rec Center, Tables $15 first come, first with
tables inside--outside tables also available--Checks made payable to GEWA, send to Catherine Simkins, Code 490
April 24 -28, 1997 -- 5 Day Trip to Branson $675.00 - Space Available contact ALBERTA 301-937-6104
May 18,1997 -- 6 Day Bermuda Cruise from Baltimore
September 3-10, 1997 -- Alaska Trip
December I I - 1 5, 1997 -- Christmas Tour to Branson

April 8, 1997
You must be accompanied by a GSFC
employee or GRAA member with a badge


Bob & Mary Wilson, Milt & Helen Sing, Sully Costa, Eloise Tarter, Wilma Chigas, Elaine Montgomery, & Bob Wigand. This stalwart crew stuffed the double mailing which took them about one hour more than usual so they earned your thanks.


VISITOR CENTER GIFT SHOP: Full or part-time between 9:00un-4:30pm, must be able to work most weekends--please contact Melvin Kurtz, 286-8498.


The GEWA Store will consolidate your baker's dozen cards if you stop by April 4 thru April 11.


Donations received from: Ed Korklin, Laura Harrington, Ed Thomas, Howard Kingman, Wilma Chigas, Harry Taylor, Mary Miller, Bob Pickard, Ron Browning, LeRoy Goesel, Marge Townsend, Bill Hibbard, Wayne Hughes, Jack Hunt, Dick Carper, Bob Prince, Mary Carper, Fran O'Toole, Paul Kushmeider & William Logan.


MARJORIE R. TOWNSEND -- I really look forward to the GRAA Newsltr every month -- Now that Chuck is retired, will be spending 3-4 months in Florida every winter - but I'm still on e-mail: FAX (202) 966-3332

BOB & HANNAH PRINCE -- Hard to believe am starting on 22nd year away from GSFC. As one of the early Bldg 5 characters, I still miss those great lunches at the ''Log Lodge''. Will be big/8805' this year but Hannah & I keep going on Islamorada (Paradise) FL. in the winter & return north in May -- never-want to see snow again. Really enjoy the Newsltr -- will try to make lunch when we come North -- Regard to all

JACK A HUNT -- I much appreciate the monthly GSFC Newsltr -- it seems incredible that I've been retired going on 17 years.

WAYNE HUGHES -- Greetings from the Lilac Farm. It's still snowing here in north west Pennsylvania, but it will soon be spring and our lilacs will bloom and it will have been worth the long winter wait.

MARY CARPER -- Wanted to let you know that each time we receive the GRAA Newsltr, Goddard News & the Directory (including updates) we think of all of you with appreciation! for keeping us updated & informed. Another retiree, Gary Vincent & his wife, live not far from us on the Coast. A few weeks ago when we got together we decided that everyone we know must have retired, except Barney at the RecCenter. P.S. Tell Barney &BEA hi -- we cook the Dunginess crabs out here (OREGON) -- most folks boil them -- at least they sell "Old Bay" here --
E-Mail: (or)

BOB-HUDDLESTON -- When we have sped past three score & ten looking back often offers more enjoyment than looking forward. The point was made with a journey Pepita & I made last fall. The trip included (a) a ceremonial event in Belgium honoring several of us who had flown from an air base at Saint Truiden during WWII; (b) a special tour of the American Air Museum under construction at Dusford, England; and (c) a visit to my English cousin's ancestoral home near Cambridge, an historic tudor dwelling that served as an HQ for both the RAF & the 9th USAAF during the war. Pepita and I decided to make this Grand Tour following an invitation extended to the 404th Fighter Group by the Belgian Air Force. The base was scheduled to be closed and we were to be honored. And it was some honor! The Belgians-literally- rolled out the red carpet for these aging ex-fighter jocks. My squadron hanger was still in use (as it had been used by the Luftwaffe before us) as was my old BOQ called "The Wingman's Roost.' It was a creepy reeling looking down the very runway one had once jockied a bomb-loaded P-47 Thunderbolt!

I had heard that the new American Air Museum at Duxford had a P-47 being restored so I arranged to interview those involved. I found three talented Englishmen dedicated to that task and who enjoyed meeting an ex-Jug pilot who knew far less then they about the aircraft! (The CAM will open August 1, 1997 and we will be there with Queen Elizabeth for the dedication).

Sawston Hall, located near Cambridge, was the home of the English Huddlestons for over four hundred years, the last resident being Captain Reginald Eyre-Huddleston, RN Retired who died in 1970. The dwelling is now a private, non-resident school, the Cambridge Language Center. We had visited last year and I returned to present a photograph taken in 1944 when Sawston Hall was ''occupied" by the 66th Fighter Wing HQ, 8th USAAF . The scene was of three GIs raising the American flag before this historic building. In return the school presented us with a beautiful water color print of Sawston Hall.

Our journey ended with a trip to Paris via the "Chunnel,' a payoff to Pepita earned by tolerating my trip to the past. Bob Huddleston, March 8, 1997.

HARRY A. TAYLOR, JR. - Thanks for sending the Newsltr over the years. We've moved back to the States after an adventure in Nova Scotia for eight years. We operated a Space Museum and a B&B there and had a wonderful experience. Our new address in Florida (Melbourne) is enclosed.

GRAA received a ltr from THE BIG BROTHERS extending its warmest appreciation for the donation given in memory of Ryan Ahalt

RON BROWNING -- Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on Goddard alums. It's great to hear about old friends. Have retired again after 7 years in industry. Gained first hand knowledge (good & bad) of the Aerospace industry's merger & acquisition trend. Pat & I plan to spend more time at Deep Creek Lake alternating between there & College Park. Will also try & get to the lunches.

VIC SIMAS -- Thanks for the Newsltr -- Since we haven't had an RF Systems BR Mtg for 24 years -- think it's time to get those delinquent reports in! I'd love to hear from you -- By the way, did I mention that the Vic Simas Orchestra supplied the big band dance music in January for the Presidential Inaugural Hall at the Space Museum? Quite a thrill!!
NOTE TO VIC: How about honoring us with your presence at a GRAA luncheon as 'Guest Speaker'? Share w/us your exciting escapades. CALL US.

PAUL RUSHMEIDER -- A note regarding Robert C. Taylor, formerly a Goddard Code 500 employee -- retired in '84. Bob is recovering in his home in Annapolis, from several strokes & broken hip. He would appreciate your calls & visits -- Tel #410-268-2136.


FINDLAY, JAMES A. -- Died 2/23/97 -- Michigan. Worked for NASA in Greenbelt -- retired in 1985.

HYSAN, LOUISE A. -- Died 3/6/97 -- Worked at Goddard for over 20 years -- retired in 1980 as a Payroll Clerk.

PREMO, DON A. -- Died recently (exact date unavailable) -- Retired from Goddard in 1982 as an electrical engineer after more than 20 years. Was involved in design/operation of precision laser ranging systems. After retiring he became a computer consultant for Goddard contractors.

ZINK, EUGENE RICHARD -- Died 3/11/97 -- Retired in 1985 from NASA. Worked on design/construction tracking ships. His duties included service as Director of NASA Tracking Station on Ascension Island. Worked in private industry in Florida until retiring altogether in 1993.

WINSTON, GEORGE CARTER -- Died 3/12/97 -- Retired from Goddard in 1980 after 34 years of federal service. Also worked for the National Bureau of Standards & NRL.

COHEN, SAUL B. -- Died 2/25/97 -- Retired from Goddard's General Counsel Office in 1982. Worked for the Office of Civil Defense in Battle Creek, Michigan, before joining NASA in 1961.

NOTE FROM FRAN O'TOOLE (A GSFC RETIREE) -- Her husband, Harry O'Toole, died 7/10/96. She mentioned the fond memories that she ~ Harry have had of the past and wished the best to all those in those memories.



The Maryland Federation or Chapters is otter in an introductory one- year NARFE membership in both the national organization and your local chapter for only $15.00, a savings of $10.00.