Goddard Retirees Alumni Association
P.O. Box 163 Seabrook, MD 20703

October 2001                                     http://graa.gsfc.nasa.gov*                      17th Year of Publication

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS:                             (*New, shorter address (URL) - old URL should also still work)

Oct. 9, 200l         GRAA REGULAR LUNCHEON - ll:30 AM - PLS CALL 30l-937-7762 for reservations.
Oct. 23, 200l       llth Annual GEWA Fall Crafts Fair - l0:00 AM to 2:00 PM - Bldg. 8 Auditorium - Registration is still available -
                            $l5.00 per space and is open to Retirees - Registration forms available in GEWA Store or contact Catherine Simkins -

                            30l-286-3304 or csimkins@pop400.gsfc.nasa.gov  COB October l7th. Items must be handmade.
ll/l0 - ll/l3/0l        BAHAMAS - PRICE: $669 Dbl; 599 Tpl, $569 Quad - Call GEWA 30l-286-8498
Nov. l3, 200l      GRAA REGULAR LUNCHEON - ll:30 AM - PLS CALL 30l-937-7762 for reservations.
Nov. l, 200l        GRAA/ORBITAL CLUB DINNER THEATER - "BRIGADOON" - REC CENTER Tickets $20 per person Call 30l-937-7762 for
Dec. 200l           APPALACHIAN TRUCK - Frank Martin has again agreed to pick up clothes/toys/etc. - dates to be determined (Check next
                           month's Newsletter) - Besides donations, volunteers are needed to assist Frank with the loading of the truck - If interested,
                           please contact Frank 30l-384-7788.
Dec. 7, 200l       Magic of a Musical Christmas, Lancaster, PA. Outlet shopping, Holiday Jubilee Xmas show, orchestra seats, Backstage Tour,
                           Buffet dinner at Willow Valley Inn, Bus, all tips incl. $70 per person, GRAA Travel 301-937-7762

GEWA STORE ITEMS: 2002 Year Entertainment books available - Price: DC/MD, DC/VA - $35 - Baltimore $25.
                          Christmas Card Catalogs available. Need to order by Oct. l2th for printed cards which will include return address on envelope
                          free of charge. Cards are l5% off catalog price.

COMMENTS regarding the last "Regular" GRAA Luncheon - September ll, 200l: Even though the number of attendees was smaller than usual,
                         approximately 28, it is believed that it will be the most memorable one. We were able to view the Day's happenings on the large TV
                         screen, provided by Barney. Our emotions were helped by being together.

MAIL STUFFERS FOR SEPTEMBER: John Steckel, Eloise Tarter, Rose McChesney, Mary & Bob Wilson, Bill Shields, Bob Wigand, Agnes R.
                         Smith, Frank Wrigley and Elaine Montgomery.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Donations were received from Dick Hockensmith, Bob Nuttall and Marjorie R. Townsend

TRASH CLEAN-UP - GOOD LUCK RD: Due to the events occurring at last scheduled clean-up, the clean-up has been rescheduled after the
                          October 9th Luncheon - So, if you can help in this worthwhile job, please come prepared. (Try volunteering - you may like it)

ITEMS OF INTEREST: Dr. Jay Liebowitz, the Center's Knowledge Management Office, has asked us to contact retirees in an effort to share
                          knowledge for a plan on developing a knowledge retention program at Goddard. Got a story to tell? This would be useful to
                          enable valuable stories, whether successes or failures, to be told and captured so others could learn from each other's
                          experiences. It would facilitate the building of Goddard's institutional memory and contribute towards nurturing a knowledge
                          sharing culture. If you have an important story to share with others about your experiences in the program/project management
                          and systems engineering areas while at Goddard, Dr. Liebowitz would be interested in hearing from you. To get things moving,
                          please submit your story by October 30, 200l. Kindly email a one-page description of your story, indicating a title for your story,
                          your name/address/position, 3-4 key words, who would benefit most from your story, a one paragraph description of your
                          story, and one paragraph on lessons learned. People will be selected from these descriptions to be videotaped to tell their story in
                          two minutes. The goal is to then make these videos available via the web through online searchable video techniques to that
                          people could learn from the successes and failures of others. Kindly email your descriptions to Dr. Jay Liebowitz, Knowledge
                          Management Officer, at liebowit@pop300.gsfc.nasa.gov. All stories from individuals at all levels in the organization are welcome.
                          Reminder: Due NLT l0/30/0l.

VOLUNTEERS : Catherine Long, Head of the Microwave Technology Branch and President of the GSFC Child Development Center, is looking
                          for volunteers to help out at the CDC. This involves only as many hours as one would care to volunteer with no long term
                          commitment. Some help watching at the playground, reading to children, helping at snack/lunch time, etc. would be greatly
                          appreciated. A Goddard retiree badge is needed to get into the Center. The contact is catherine.a.long.l@gsfc.nasa.gov or

ROBERT EAVES: With a change-of-address note received recently, a notation was enclosed stating "Hi to all my old coherts/mail stuffers!"
JOE VALENTI: rec'd note "I retired from GSFC in January, 0l. After nearly 34 years, I appreciate receiving the GRAA Newsletter more so now
                          that I don't have the same opportunity to drop by the Center as I did while I still lived in Silver Spring." (Presently living in
                          Fayettville, PA)
DICK HOCKENSMITH: Note received "Health very good. Dog and I are operating Tri Ridge View Resort at my home,(Harrisonville, PA) great
                          for weekends and vacation." (Note: If interested, check the membership directory )
MARJORIE R. TOWNSEND: "Looks forward to receiving the monthly mailings and sends thanks for all the GRAA work."

ANTHONY JAMES CAPORALE: Died August 24, 200l - Lived in Davidsonville, MD

                                                                   RECENT RETIREES
                                        NAME                                                                                          CODE
                                        John S. Chitwood                                                                        567
                                        Robert J. Colandonato                                                                542
                                        Allen J. Frenzel                                                                             227.2
                                        Earl C. Gemert, Jr.                                                                         586
                                        Donald Gimpel
                                        Albert M. Kamosa                                                                       205
                                        Peter M. Pecori                                                                             422
                                        Ed I Powers                                                                                   500
                                        Dr. David P. Stern                                                                        695
                                        David J. Zillig                                                                               567

                                                                     SPECIAL ADMITTANCE
                                                                TICKET TO G.R.A.A. LUNCH
                                                            You must be accompanied by a GRAA
                                                           member or GSFC employee with a badge