Goddard Retirees And Alumni Association
P.O. Box 163, Seabrook, MD 20703

May 2004                                                     http://graa.gsfc.nasa.gov                   20th Year of Publication


May 11, 2004   GRAA Regular Luncheon - 11:30 am (See Comments Below from Acting President, Ron Browning) Pls call                          Alberta 30l-937-7762 for Reservations.
June 8, 2004     GRAA Regular Luncheon - 11:30 am Reservations required 301 937-7762
June 13, 2004   Bus Trip, Charlestown Races and Slots 10:00am-6:30pm, $50 per person includes bus, extensive Brunch                          Buffet, with steamship round of beef, baked ham, taxes, trips, admission to race track and slots, program, club                          house reserved seating, refreshments on bus, bus driver tips, Barney's handicaps. Call 301 937-7762 for                          reservations. Only 40 seats.
June l9, 2004    NASA FAMILY PICNIC - l2 noon - 4:00 pm - Barney & Bea Rec Center - Open to all Goddard retirees                         and members of their immediate family. Great games and attractions, picnic buffet (grilled chicken, burgers/hot                         dogs, slaw/beans/potato salad, fresh fruit, ice cream, beer/wine/sodas), astronaut autographs, cash door prizes,                         and more. Tickets on sale at the GEWA Store - call 30l-286-8498 for prices. BUY EARLY! Prices go up $3                         per ticket on June l4 - no tickets sold after June l6.
July l4, 2004    GRAA Regular Luncheon - ll:30 am (Due to RecCenter's Schedule, date had to be changed.) NASA                        Academy Interns will be attending. Reservations required 301-937-7762
July 3l, 2004    NASA GODDARD COMMUNITY DAY - l0:00 am - 6 pm - Mark your calendar - NASA
                       Goddard is opening its gates for this event - This year's theme is "Explore NASA's Goddard and Beyond",                        providing an excellent opportunity to learn about Goddard's mission and vision. Come join a full day of free                        exciting and educational activities for all ages. Some of the events include interactive exhibits, special speakers                        and tours of Goddard's facilities.
                       For more information, pls call Goddard's PAO Office 30l-286-8955.
Aug. l0, 2004  GRAA Regular Luncheon - ll:30 am Reservations required 301-937 7762
Oct 2004        Long weekend to either Branson, Mo or Las Vegas, Nevada Info: 301-937-7762
April 2005      Cruise from Baltimore to Southern Caribbean - 10 days For info: 301-937- 7762

Our speaker for the May 11 meeting will be Frank Cepollina. He will tell us what are the plans and options for recovery of the Hubble mission in light of the NASA Administrator's recent announcement of no additional servicing missions to Hubble. Frank has led the design, planning and implementation for all Hubble servicing from the beginning and has been innovative in finding ways to maintain a productive Hubble.
Elections for GRAA officers and Board members will be held at the luncheon meeting June 8. If you have nominations, please submit them by May 21 for inclusion in the June newsletter.
I welcome your inputs and feedback on what kind of presentations and speakers you would like to see at future meetings. This would be very helpful in planning our luncheon programs for this year.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Donations were received from Herb Meyerson and Ed Lawless.

MAIL STUFFERS FOR APRIL: Bob Wigand, Bill Shields, Marge Gustafson, Rose McChesney, Mary & Bob Wilson, Frank Wrigley, Eloise Tarter, Robert Wilson, Elaine Montgomery, Roland & Anne Van Allen.

GOLDSMITH, TED & FRANN of Crownsville, MD - in a note sent resently to Bob Wigand "Frann & I enjoy the GRAA newsletter - spending about six months a year in Naples, Fla - playing a lot of golf - still running a small internet company (SeekOn.com) providing local information on ll,000 towns in the US & Canada - also wrote a book on theories of biological aging (ISBN 0595280692) an interesting exercise - sends best regards to new Pres. Ron Browning".

VELGOS, PAUL: of Edgewater, MD died November 2l, 2004 - worked at Goddard for 34 years in the Sounding Rocket Division and later in the Special Payloads Division working on the Pegasus Satellite and Spartan Shuttle Program - retired in l990.
STONE, ROBERT G. of Bethesda, MD died March 4, 2004 - joined NASA/GSFC in l962 where he played a major role in the field of solar and planetary radio astronomy research for more than four decades.

May 14, 1966: Thor-Agena launched Nimbus 11, Provided 1st global picture of earth's radiation budget.
May 17, 1974: Delta launched SMS-A, 1st geosynchronous meteorological satellite (precursor to GOES)
May 30, 1974: Titan II launched ATS-F. Demonstrated health & education TV to small low cost terminals in remote sites, demonstrated tracking & data relay technology.

Sunny Monday's 8:00 am - ll:00 am - Everything in store l0% off (Except Ticket Master - Theme Park tickets & photos)
Back by popular demand - new Beanie Babies - same price $5.00.
Getting ready for spring - garden hoses, nozzles, sprayers, tools - tennis and golfing material - chaise lounge covers, etc.
The Store also is an Avon-rep. All orders receive l0% off

GRAA MEMBERS: Arrangements have been made to admit retirees directly through the Soil Conservation
Road entrance for the luncheons. HOWEVER, YOU MUST HAVE RESERVATIONS AND AN ID OR YOUR RETIREE PICTURE BADGE. Call Alberta for reservations, 301-937 7762