Goddard Retirees and Alumni Association
P.O. Box 163, Seabrook, Maryland 20703

March 1997
(14th Year of Publication)


The next scheduled luncheon meeting will be the second Tuesday in March, March 11, 1997, 11:30am at the GEWA Recreation Center. The speaker for this meeting will be Linda Evans, Public Relations Official for Independence Court, which specializes in "assisted living accommodations." She will give a brief lecture and slide show which she has given to other community groups. It will run for approximately 20-30 minutes.

Your February Newsletter was mailed late due to printing delays. We are sorry you missed getting an advanced notice on our speaker Robert Morrissey. Bob was eloquent with tales from Alice Springs, Australia, and enhanced his talk with a five Cockatoo on his shoulder. He brought many other artifacts including several DIJERIDOO's and gave a rendition of "Down Under" music--which was enjoyed by all.

George Pieper and Alberta Moran have the special passes for all GRAA members and Alumni who do not have current retirement passes. These passes also may be used for spouses and other guests. If we can get George and Alberta to remember them you can pick them up at the next luncheon meeting or call either one of them to have one sent. Meanwhile, at the bottom of this page is the Special Admittance Ticket to use for the March 11 luncheon.


March 11, 1997 -- Lunch - Recreation Center
March 13, 1997 -- Comedy Night - Rec Center - Three pro (not amateurs)
Hot and Cold hor d'oeuvres, beer, wine, tickets $12 buy at GENA store or reservations through Alberta
March 20, 1997 -- Craft Show, 10:00am-2:00pm, Bldg 8 Auditorium
Tables $15, admittance free, Reserve table with Catherine Simkins by 3/1, 286-3304
April 8, 1997 -- Lunch - Recreation Center
April 12, 1997 -- Flea Market - Rec Center, Tables $15 first come, first with
tables inside--outside tables also available--Checks made payable to GEWA, send to Catherine Simkins, Code 490
April 24 -28, 1997 -- 5 Day Trip to Branson $675.00 - Space Available
May 18,1997 -- 6 Day Bermuda Cruise from Baltimore
September 3-10, 1997 -- Alaska Trip
December I I - 1 5, 1997 -- Christmas Tour to Branson

March 11, 1997
You must be accompanied by a GSFC
employee or GRAA member with a badge

MAIL STUFFERS FOR FEBRUARY - No stuffers because as you can see, the February Newsletter is with this one!


VISITOR CENTER GIFT SHOP: Full or part-time between 9:00un-4:30pm, must be able to work most weekends--please contact Melvin Kurtz, 286-8498.


Mary Hammersley, former editor of the GRAA Newsletter, recently returned from the hospital from knee surgery. She is doing well.

The Maryland Space Business Roundtable is pleased to announce that Senator Barbara Mikulski will be the guest luncheon speaker on March 10, 1997, at Martin's Crosswinds, Greenbelt. Many of the recent retirees were regular guests at the Roundtable luncheons and you are invited to continue this contact. Tickets for non-members are $30, you may be come a member at $100 per year. The Round table features outstanding aerospace leaders as their speakers and are generally held the fourth Tuesday of each month. On tap for future lunch meetings: Joe Rothenberg, on March 25, Steny Hoyer, Constance Morella, Admiral Tuttle, Dr. Tim Coffey from NRL, and Roscoe Bartlett.. This will provide an opportunity to keep abreast of what is happening in the aerospace community. Alberta can take your reservations for the luncheon meetings or provide you with a membership form--301-937-7762.


LAURA HARRINGTON - Here's a small contribution to help with postage--really enjoy reading the newsletter and receiving the membership directory. Wish I lived closer but don't miss the cold weather--from St. Petersburg, FL.

MARY MILLER - It's great living here in Hernando, FL. No snow, No ice! Enclosed to help with postage.

EDWIN KORKLIN - Thanks to all of you hard working Editors, Mail Stuffers, Program Chairmen and everyone else who so diligently line up all the events and publish the monthly Bulletin. You do a great job, and we all appreciate it. I'm keeping pleasantly busy with community organization , social clubs and vacation travel--enjoying all the fun events here in Leisure World, Laguna Hills, CA. Enclosed a donation check.

HOWARD KINGMAN - Having just sold our house in Calvert County, it is now on the next stage of our life in Little Pines, South Carolina. We will stay busy building our new home right on the Intercoastal Waterway and getting acquainted with our new boat. Nancy joined a spa, loves the beach and loves making crafts. I will now have time to do a little more net surfing and relaxing by playing the organ. Although I was born and raised in Maryland and am quite nostalgic as I leave, I will not miss weekends cutting 4.5 acres, trimming bushes, cleaning the pool rakng leaves and most of all I will not miss the extreme cold and ice and snow. I leave that to the children. We want to stay in touch so please keep us on your mailing list. Ham operators can reach me at NP3SD. Enclosed donation for mailing.

MERRICK SHAW - I am recovering very well from six hours of back surgery brought on by a bone disease called Spondylolisthesis. Would like to swap talk with old colleagues and friends--call at 301-552-2316 or e-mail is different from the e-mail in new directory.

VIC SIMAS - Alberta apologizes to Vic--when Elaine Montgomery left for Florida, she sent Alberta Vic's great note about his experiences in playing at the Air and Space Museum Ball for President Clinton's inaugural-Alberta has misplaced it but hopefully the article will resurface and it will be published in the next newsletter.


BAUMANN, ROBERT C. Died January 25,1997 -Bob joined Goddard in 1958 with the Vanguard Group from NRL. He had managed 18 projects that included 32 satellites. He had planned on retiring on January 31 from his latest position as Director of Fright Assurance at Goddard. Everyone will miss Bob.

BOULWARE, SADIE SUE Died January 31, 1997 - Friends will remember Sue from her early 1960 days as secretary to Herman LaGow in the Code 600 Office of Space Sciences. Sue willing participated in the many secretarial functions at Goddard and wrote all the name tags for the early Children's Christmas parties.

LARKIN, ROBERT Died August 196 - We just received the information that he died last year'. Robert Larkin retired from Code 734.3 in 1985.

IN CASE YOU WONDERED--This newsletter is being typed by the third tier--Elaine Montgomery took off for several weeks vacation in.Florida, second backup Elaine Babbitt is also vacationing in Florida, Roland Van Allen left on Feb 24 for two weeks in Cancun and since Alberta was staying in Maryland, she drew the short straw and so was left to prepare the newsletter--please do not call with "typos" or "Misspelled words"--those of you who knew her when, knew she could not spell!!