
Goddard Retirees Alumni Association
P.O. Box 163 Seabrook, MD 20703

AUGUST                                          http://graa.gsfc.nasa.gov*                       18th Year of Publication


Aug. l3, 2002      GRAA Regular Luncheon - ll:30 AM - RecCenter - Pls call 30l-937-7762 for reservations.Aug. l6, 2002 KENNEDY CENTER -                              AIDA - The latest Disney creation to take Broadway by storm - an extravagant celebration of dance, drama and delightful                              music, with its 230 year old story of forbidden passion set in exotic ancient Egypt. $l39.00 pp - Includes orchestra seats,                              roundtrip bus transportation and dinner at the Sequoia Restaurant located in the Washington Harbor historical Georgetown                              district. - Call GEWA 30l-286-8498.

Aug 22, 2002      Cruise and tour, Alaska & Klondike Explorer 12 days, from $2,700,GRAA travel 301-937-7762

Sept. l0, 2002      GRAA Luncheon - IUE REUNION* (See Dr. Pieper's /comments below) - ll:30 AM - RecCenter Pls Call 30l-937-7762 for                              reservations.

Sept. 26, 2002     EOY Island Shrimp Feast - Call GEWA 30l-286-8498 for further information.

Oct. 8, 2002         GRAA Regular Luncheon - ll:30 AM - RecCenter *(See Dr. Pieper's Comments Below - If Crab Feast scheduled - the affair will                              be scheduled in the evening). Pls call 30l-937-7762 for Reservations -

Oct. 8-l3, 2002    NASHVILLE/GATLINBURG/SMOKEY MOUNTAINS - $669 per person. Tour includes motor coach transportation, 5 nights                              lodging, 3 dinners including the Nashville Nightlife Theater, 5 breakfasts, guided tour of Nashville, admission the Grand Ole                              Opry, tour of the Smoke Mountains, Luncheon Cruise aboard the General Jackson Riverboat, Tour of Ryman Theater, Opry                              Mills Shoppertainment Complex, Country Music Hall of Fame, baggage handling, taxes and standard gratuities. Deposit of $l00                              due now - balance due September ll, 2002. No refunds after September 3rd. Call GEWA 30l-286-8565.

Oct. l0, 2002       THIRTY-EIGHT YEAR NIMBUS REUNION - GSFC RecCenter - 5:30 - l0:30 PM - Call/write Mike Forman, Code 584, GSFC,                             Greenbelt, MD 2077l - Tel. #30l-286-9287 - or log on  www.bnc2.com/nimbus.

Oct. l7, 2002        l2th Annual Fall Crafts Fair - Call GEWA 30l-286-8498 for further information.

Nov. 7, 2002       GRAA & Orbital Club Evening at MAD'S Dinner Theater at RecCenter - Play is Fiorello - the life story of Fiorello N. LaGuardia,                              mayor of New York City in the World War II era. Call 30l-937-7762 for reservations.

Nov. l2, 2002      GRAA Regular Luncheon - ll:30 AM - RecCenter - Pls call 30l-937-7762 for reservations -

Nov. l2-24, 02     GEWA Travel to Thailand - R/T Airfare from Dulles- Transportation by coach/boat/domestic air - tickets for shows - all meals                              (B/L/D) for ll days. Cost: Single $2000 Double $l800 - $300 due now - If interested, pls call Pat - GEWA Store 30l-286-8565.

Dec. l4, 2002       Children's Holiday Party - Call GEWA 30l-286-8498 for further information.

Dec. l6, 2002       Toy Liquidation Sale - Call GEWA 30l-286-8498 for further information.

May - 2003          LONDON/PARIS/ROME - Tour includes Air Transportation/9 nights hotel/breakfast daily/3 dinners/airport escorts/hotel &                              train portage/all group transfers/guided sightseeing/entrance fees to selected sights/full time multilingual tour director - Cost:                              $2,l02.00 - $300 deposit now - final payment due February 2003 - PLS Call GEWA 30l-286-8498..

COMMENTS FROM GRAA'S PRESIDENT, DR. PIEPER: The July lunch of the GRAA was one of those "quiet week in Lake Wobegone" kind of things. With no speaker scheduled, the 30+ attendees, known as the "regulars", did what we do best - enjoyed getting together with old friends. Next month will be similar, but we'll have in addition available viewing a video provided by Bob Stanley about the old days of code 500, the Tracking and Data Network. One part is real, "The Vital Link", one part is spoof, "The Vital Kink", and a third part shows the launch of the Cape Canaveral lighthouse (huh?). Also on the same tape is a segment about the TDRSS-A final burn in l983, starring Ron Browning, Noel Hinners and Jim Beggs. It'll really take you back.

In September, we'll have an IUE REUNION, organized by Gerry Longanecker. It should be a fine time for those who built and operated one of Goddard's all-time great projects.

And - if Barney can negotiate a reasonable price for crabs, our annual crab feast will be in October. More about this next month.

2002 GRAA MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY - The 2002 GRAA Membership Directory will be published soon - check your mailing label and send us any corrections. We will be including both telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. Our Directory is used by several areas within GSFC as well as our membership. We get requests for a member's phone number of e-mail address when they are not in the Directory. .If we do not have that information, we are unable to help that person contact you.

MAIL STUFFERS FOR AUGUST: Thanks to all the stuffers for August-the actual list of who helped took off.!

TREASURER'S REPORT: Donations were received from H. K. Lee, Art Anderson, N. S. Kupperian, Bruno Seppi, and Paul Karpiscak.

NANCY S. KUPPERIAN: Sends thanks for the Newsletter - presently lives in Germantown, MD.
DOROTHY M. BENEDICT: Sends thanks to all those who worked to send the Newsletter to her late husband, Frank; he enjoyed reading each issue and really believed he was still a part of Goddard - lives in Greenbelt, MD.
PAUL KARPISCAK: Sends his appreciation for receiving the Newsletter - lives in Olney, MD.

CARL L. RIFFE: Died April 23, 2002 - lived in Huntington, MD.
KENNETH H. MCINTOSH: Died May 3, 2002 - lived in Silver Spring, MD.
FRANK M. BENEDICT: Died June l8, 2002 of pneumonia - lived in Seabrook, MD.
ANBROSE JOHN "JACK" YUDD: Died July 5, 2002 of heart failure - lived in Annapolis, MD. - spent most of his l6-year career with NASA/GSFC where he was project engineer of an early satellite communications experiment and held key positions with the Applications Technology Satellite project.
LLOYD E. HIGHTOWER: Died June 29, 2002 of cardiac arrest - moved to his native Marshfield, MO from Silver Spring, MD in l972 - worked for NOL for l8 years - transferred to Goddard in l962 - served as project manager for a parabolic antenna used for tracking early satellites - also worked on specifications for large antenna facilities used during the moon flights.

                                                                  SPECIAL ADMITTANCE
                                                              TICKET  TO G.R.A.A. LUNCH
                                                          You must be accompanied by a GRAA
                                                        member or GSFC employee with a badge.