Goddard Retirees Alumni Association
P.O. Box 163 Seabrook, MD 20703

AUGUST  2000                                     http://gewa.gsfc.nasa.gov/~graa                    16th Year of Publication

Note: Effective w/July Luncheon due to an increase in materials, Barney has to increase luncheon prices - the cost will be $9.00 per person.

Aug. 8, 2000 ll:30 AM - RecCenter - Regular GRAA Luncheon : Call 30l-937-7762 for reservations -
                                      (The talk on "Space Art and the NASA Art Program". by Bert Ulrich, tentatively scheduled for
                                      today has been postponed - see October l0th Luncheon mtg below).
Sept. l2, 2000                NO MONTHLY LUNCHEON - ANNUAL CRAB FEAST (See Details Below)
Sept. l2, 2000 6:00 PM - GRAA ANNUAL CRAB FEAST - RecCenter - $l8.00 PER PERSON
                                      MENU: ALL YOU CAN EAT CRABS/ CRAB SOUP/ HAMBURGERS/ HOTDOGS/
                                      COLE SLAW/ POTATO SALAD/ SOFT DRINKS/ BEER/TEA/COFFEE/
                                      WINE/DESSERT. PLS CALL 30l-937-7762 for reservations -
Oct. l0, 2000 ll:30 AM - RecCenter - Regular GRAA Luncheon - Speaker: Bert Ulrich, NASA HQ Public
                                     Affairs Office - Talk entitled "Space Art and the NASA Art Program" - Call 30l-937-7762 for
Oct. l8-25, 2000           Royal Canadian Autumn Cruise - Quebec City to Baltimore - Inside Cabin $l000 - Outside
                                     Cabin $ll49 Plus Port Taxes/Airfare - Call 30l-937-7762 for reservations
Nov. 30, 2000              Harrisburg, PA - Christmas Show/Shopping - One Day Bus Trip - Dinner/Admission -All for
                                     $45.00 Per Person - Call 30l-037-7762
Dec. l-3, 2000              Bethlehem, PA - 3 days/2 nights -Motor Coach - Lodging at Bethlehem Hotel - Includes 2
                                    breakfasts/2 dinners/tours/Reading Outlets/Koziar's Christmas Village/Longwood Gardens and more -                                     $365 per person. $l00 Deposit due 8/7 - balance due by ll/l0. Call GEWA 30l-286-8498
Dec. l6, 2000               New York, NY - R/T bus transportation/dinner at NY City upscale restaurant/ Holiday shopping/                                     Sightseeing/Radio City Rockettes' Christmas Spectacular - leaves from Bldg 8 parking lot at 8:00 AM                                     & returns approx. ll:30 PM - $l55 per person - $75 deposit due 8/l5 balance due ll/25. Call GEWA                                     30l-286-8498 for further details
May l3 - 23, 200l         CANADIAN TRAIN RIDE - Vancouver to Toronto - l0 days from $2000 -Call 301 937-7762 for
                                    Details and brochure

MAIL STUFFERS FOR JULY: Eloise Tarter, Mary & Bob Wilson, Agnes R. Smith, Rose M. McChesney, Bob Wigand and Elaine Montgomery.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Donations were received from Bill Olden, Evelyn Baumann, Frank Albin, Bill Rhodes, & Earl D. Angulo. GRAA'S account balance as of June 30, 2000 totaled $l4,057.75. It will take a significant hit later this year when the new membership directory is published.

COMMENTS FROM GRAA'S PRESIDENT, DR. PIEPER; Our July Birthday Party for all GRAA members was a resounding success. With a huge birthday cake topping off the usual fine Barney and Bea dinner, we enjoyed each other's anecdotes of some of the weird and wonderful things that happened to us in the glory days of Goddard (i.e., when we were there). Reminiscences came in notes from Frank Carr, Margie Townsend, Adam Thompson, Henry Doong, Robert Huddleston, William Elsen, and in person from a host that included Gerry Longanecker, Luke Slifer, Dave Hepler, Bob Morrissey, Bob Hutchison, John Thole, Al Babecki (who sang the Polish national anthem), Charlie (it's not Chuck, Dr. Vaccaro) Boyle, and the irrepressible Enrico Mercanti. I should have taken better notes on what they said, but I was too busy laughing. Alberta and others contributed many pictures of events from the early days (including the Director's office staff trimming Goddard's first Christmas tree), and Directors of escorting lovely young ladies in evening gowns at Goddard Queen Dances. They don't do that any more!

The oldest person present was 85-year-old Bob Barnes. May we all be as well as he is when we reach that age. The youngest was a 22-month old granddaughter of Ray and Annette Melcher, who were pressed into service as babysitters while her Mommie (the Melcher's daughter) was producing a baby brother. So the cycle of life goes on. People had such a good time that making a birthday party an annual affair was suggested. We certainly seem to have enough material to do so.

WILLIAM J. RHODES - of Temple Hills, MD - Continues to enjoy reading about Goddard activities and the news about many friends now dispersed around the country. Mentions it is hard to believe that almost thirty years have passed since he was at Goddard but the work and the people are certainly not forgotten. Sends thanks for all the efforts particularly those who selflessly contribute their time.
wife of Clarence, who died in l982, sent a note mentioning she enjoyed receiving the Newsletter and seeing some familiar names, and that she was privileged to be one of the founding members of the former Goddard Wives' Club when GSFC was springing up in Greenbelt.
DONALD A. DEIBLER: After almost 30 years in Burtonsville, MD, , recently moved to Walkersville, MD. Appreciates receiving the Newsletter to keep up with GSFC - a big part of their lives - hopes to get to a GRAA meeting soon.
EARL ANGULO: He can't believe it's been over six years since seeing our smiling faces - retirement in Tampa, Florida is still like a vacation every day but misses the gang from the "First Team" at Goddard. Appreciates receiving the Newsletter.

Died in State of Washington July 2l, 2000



Yes, I'm tired, for several years I've been blaming it on middle-age, iron poor blood,

lack of vitamins, air pollution, water pollution, saccharin, obesity, dieting, under-arm odor,

yellow wax build-up, and a dozen other maladies that make you wonder if life is really worth living.

But now I find out, tain't that!

I'm tired because I'm overworked.

The population of this country is 200 million, 84 million are retired. That leaves 116

million to do the work. There are 75 million in schools, which leaves 41 million to

do the work. Of this total, there are 22 million employed by the government.

That leaves 19 million to do the work.

Four million are in the Armed Forces, which leaves 15 million to do the work. Take from

that total the 14,800,000 people who work for State, City, and Government and that leaves

200,000 to do the work. There are 188,000 in hospitals so that leaves 12,000 to do the work.

Now there are 11,998 people in prisons, That leaves just two people to do the

work, you and me. And you're sitting there reading this. No wonder I'm tired!


                                                                         SPECIAL ADMITTANCE

                                                                    TICKET TO G.R.A.A. LUNCH

                                                               You must be accompanied by a GRAA

                                                              member or GSFC employee with a badge
